The Fascia Hub Articles

A core part of The Fascia Hub is to share up to date articles with our members, curating a library of up-to-date research and insight to help you learn and grow. We invite you to take time to enjoy and explore the different fascia topics.

The Power of Following the Tissue

I am a practising therapist, so this article is written from that point of view.  This is on a topic I feel passionately about, that of following the tissue and how powerful something so simple and so obvious can be. I had a good, albeit short, training in massage back in 1982. In retrospect, I…


The disconnect created by scars and adhesions

What do I mean by ‘the disconnect’?  As I see it, there are two ways in which we disconnect, and they are not separate: the emotional and the physical.  Emotional and physical disconnection can develop when a part of our body no longer feels as if it belongs to us, through injury, post-operative scarring, or…


How do you see your body?

Not that long ago many yoga classes were very focused on achieving and holding a posture; nowadays they may very well concentrate more on developing our somatic awareness as we are encouraged to unfold, unfurl and unspiral our limbs, and to be aware of the effect on the whole body of one small movement. This change…


How do you see your body?

by Jan Trewartha Not that long ago many yoga classes were very focused on achieving and holding a posture; nowadays they may very well concentrate more on developing our somatic awareness as we are encouraged to unfold, unfurl and unspiral our limbs, and to be aware of the effect on the whole body of one…


What is Fascial Unwinding and how does it work?

Fascial Unwinding is seen by many as an approach not scientific enough to have validity. Because of the unusual, spontaneous movement that can arise during the process, plus the apparent lack of science supporting this work, it can deter people who, on all other levels, are on board with the importance of addressing fascia in…


Humming, nasal breathing and hugging – keys to stress reduction, calm, and efficient breathing

The power of humming Leon Chaitow’s well-known piece, Humming my way back home[i] written a few years ago, describes his journey back to England after teaching in Ireland at the National Training Centre, Dublin.  As he arrives in London, his body reacts to the air pollution and “A thought came to me relating to something…


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