
We aim to bring the fascia community a wide selection of webinars, one day and multi-day events, both online and in-person, covering all elements from the world of fascia.

Our Upcoming Training/Events

Events are at the heart of The Fascia Hub community.  We aim to bring you a wide variety, presented by industry-leading speakers, covering all kinds of different topics, through theory, hands-on work and movement explorations.

If you decide to join as a member, you'll find that you'll receive member discounts and  priority booking. You will also have a free, monthly webinar with a presenter well known in the world of bodywork/movement. Of course, everyone is welcome in this community and there is something for everyone, both members and non-members.

We always love to hear your thoughts and ideas for future events, so please get in touch to let us know.

Major Showcase Events

The Fascial Voice

Join us for a journey into the myriad aspects of sound and the voice, brought to you by four presenters passionate about and superbly well informed on the topic. We will take you from the experiential to the theory; from dissection to clinical practice. A uniquely curated teaching day that will fascinate and excite you and help you to free your voice; welcome to our first major presentation of 2025!

Beyond the 'Anatomy of Fascia' - What the Embryo has to Tell Us. A phenomenologic-al approach.

Date: Screened on Sunday 17th November 2024
Platform: Online via Zoom

Jaap van der Wal MD PhD, Anatomist-Embryologist and Phenomenologist gave a fabulous three-hour webinar on the 'construction' of the human body and the role of fascia within it. Tickets to the recordings available soon in our On Demand Video section below.

Stretching The Truth

2-Hour Webinar now available in our On Demand section

Clinical Anatomist/ Exercise Physiologist John Sharkey presents “Stretching the Truth: A critical review of the science of stretching, fascia anatomy, strain and tensegrity", which provides a thorough and compelling overview of the science of stretching, strains, and tensegrity. The presentation offers a fresh perspective on traditional beliefs about stretching and challenges the accepted norms in injury prevention and flexibility training.


Exploring Inner Space and the Evolving Human with Gil Hedley

Gil shares his thoughts on how to move forward in these challenging times, follow our instincts and explore our unlimited selves.  A recording of this session is now available in our On Demand section below.

Members' Monthly Webinars

Free webinars are run monthly for our members. Scroll down to see what’s coming up!

Upcoming Webinars

Events featuring global, industry-leading speakers are a core part of The Fascia Hub community, and our aim is to cover a broad range of topics around the theme of fascia, online and in-person.  Everyone is very welcome, but as a member, you will have priority access to all events and discounts across the board.  Please note that Member webinars will be available in the Members' Area by the following Monday and major online 1-day events will not be uploaded to the Members' Area until a minimum of four months after screening.

23rd January - Member Webinar

Join Angelika Nowak & Jan Trewartha for a discussion around giving and receiving in our personal and working lives, learning to value ourselves and achieving abundance in all things.

20th February - Member Webinar

Join Gus de la Querra as part of the February/March theme of Sound and Voice for an investigation into the connection between the tongue and the vagus, and how this facilitates the voice!

1st December - Free Webinar

Join Ana Barretxeguren for a special webinar exploring how breath can be a powerful tool for selfregulation. Discover an embodied breath practice that can help you manage and transform stress into resilience

Joining The Hub

There are many benefits to joining The Fascia Hub membership.  Our membership proposition is continually evolving to ensure that we bring you the best from the world of fascia, and continually improve how we support our members according to their needs.  If there is something you would like to learn more about, please drop us a line and let us know.

Keep Up to Date with The Fascia Hub

Welcome to The Fascia Hub community!  Sign up below to join our monthly newsletter to receive up-to-date articles, details of our virtual and in-person events, plus news from the world of fascia..