Our Approach
Whilst The Fascia Hub is a successful, educational, membership community, we also look around us and see those who are less fortunate. As an industry that fundamentally cares for others, this is one of our core values that inspire us to give back to others, it is important to us at the Fascia Hub that we reflect this approach. With the above thoughts in mind, we want to share what we are doing to give back to our industry.

We believe in giving back, so if you would like to nominate a charity or a brilliant cause which is close to your heart, from the health or therapy sector, please download our form and send it across to admin@thefasciahub.com. Don’t forget to say why you are nominating them and why you think they would benefit from our support.

The British Fascia Symposium in May '22 raised funds for Healing Hands Network, a charity dedicated to supporting victims of war. Read more about them here. Currently they are focusing on supporting the people of Ukraine, and the money went for medical supplies and food. The photo shows the HHN staff loading, ready to drive to Ukraine.

The Musical Museum, Kew, London: This was the venue for a recent event. The museum was formed 60 years ago and has grown steadily; it now encompasses a wide range of musical instruments and unique inventions which tell the story of how music was recorded and reproduced through the ages. The Museum has also built up a nationally significant (and growing) collection of over 20,000 music rolls, which are stored and actively curated in a purpose-built library. They welcome donations to ensure the museum's future existence.

Here, women can find room for themselves to live, work and feel better.
Our community of diverse women enjoy full co-working facilities, wellness treatments,
a relaxing evening lounge and thoughtfully curated events.
We support women on their personal journeys as they come into their own. When they live in their power, the world is better for it.
The warmest place in the home, The Hearth welcomes you as you are. We’re a kind, safe and accepting space, where women are free to be, grow and focus on what’s important.
Interact Stroke Support
InterAct uses only professional actors to deliver a stimulating and rich variety of reading material that is specially selected to suit the needs of the stroke patient. By doing so InterAct works to stimulate memory, engage language, and lift spirits. We offer in person, and virtual readings.
InterAct's 160 professional actors read in 20 hospitals and over 50 stroke clubs across the United Kingdom as well as leading a variety of community projects.

Each year we give away two free annual memberships to someone who would really benefit from them, to help both their personal and business development. If you would like to nominate someone, or indeed yourself, please download the form below.
This year we extended the opportunity to three therapists who would not otherwise have been able to become members; we found it was impossible to choose between them, so invited all three. Please note that nominations for the next round of free memberships will open on 1st September and close on 30th November; those chosen will be notified privately in January of next year. Terms and conditions apply.

We will continue to explore ways in which we can support charities and those in need, for example through sponsorship, charity events or charity raffles (watch this space). If you have any ideas or thoughts in this area, please do get in touch.
We would love you to join the journey and to become part of our membership community today.