The Fascia Hub Articles

A core part of The Fascia Hub is to share up to date articles with our members, curating a library of up-to-date research and insight to help you learn and grow. We invite you to take time to enjoy and explore the different fascia topics.

FEEL THE RAINBOW: How Natural Light Supports Your Cells

Ever hear a nutritionist say you have to “eat the rainbow” (meaning: consume different-colored fruits and vegetables so you get a variety of nutrients)? I want people to start saying we need to “see the rainbow” and “feel the rainbow.” So, what does that mean? I’m talking about a completely different rainbow—the one hidden in…


Monthly Members’ Webinar – Biotensegrity & Beginner’s Mind

Practical details Date: 16th March 2023Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK timePresenters: Susan Lowell de SolórzanoTitle: Biotensegrity & Beginner’s Mind Summary: Forget everything you think you already know about biotensegrity. As the saying goes, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Biotensegrity is an expansive…


Monthly Members’ Webinar – Biotensegrity & Beginner’s Mind

Monthly Member Webinar As one of our membership benefits, we are delighted to run a monthly members’ webinar to explore a different element of fascia.  See the details below for this month’s instalment. Practical details Date: Thursday 16th March Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK time. Check your timezone here Presenter: Susan Lowell de Solórzano Title:…

Category image for content related to dissection

John Sharkey: Do 3D plastinated fascia specimens (from the Fascial Net Plastination Project or FNPP) enrich understanding of anatomy and human movement?

Clinical Anatomist John Sharkey invites you to view bespoke images of Fascia specimens and models that have emerged from the Fascial Net Plastination Project or FNPP. John Sharkey invites you to express your thoughts, suggestions and ideas on how such specimens may be put to best educational use and you can suggest possible future fascia…


Fabiana Silva: Thoracolumbar fascia and pain: what we are missing?

Aims: to present the relationships of the thoracolumbar fascia with both acute and chronic pain and related movement disorders as well as some therapeutic possibilities Objectives: to bring evidence about the relationship of thoracolumbar fascia to acute and chronic low back pain to bring the discussion about TLF and its possible relationship with shoulder and…

Category image for content related to movement

Elizabeth Larkam: Movement Practices for Connective Tissue Spectrum Disorders that provide support, protection and structure

The term Connective Tissue Disorders (CTD) encompasses multi-factorial psychic and physiologic realities that interfere with an individual’s experience of basic functional living. There is great need for movement educators’ improvement in recognition and understanding to better help this special population.CTD can cause significant pain, chronic pain and disability, affecting all age groups, even implicated in…


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