Monthly Members’ Webinar – Fascia and Interoception
Practical details Date: 21 July 2022Time: 19.00-20.00Presenter: Ana OutsuboTitle: Fascia and Interoception Ana will explore interoception and its importance to a practice with fascia training. This webinar will be an exploration through the senses and sensation of the inner world, in order to achieve a more profound experience with movement. what is interoception? what is the Fascia Connector? how can…
Monthly Members’ Webinar – Fascial and Neurological Connections Within and Extending from the Cervical Spine
Practical details Date: 23 June 2022Time: 19.00-20.00Presenter: Robert LibbeyTitle: Fascial and Neurological Connections Within and Extending from the Cervical Spine Clinicians will: gain an understanding of the fascial and neurological connections within and extending from the C/S gain knowledge of the neurological connections of the C/S to brachial plexus, diaphragm and latissimus dorsi understanding of how Referred Pain occurred according…
Monthly Members’ Webinar – Written in the Tissues: a movement practice inspired by embryonic folding
Practical details Date: 21 April 2022Time: 20.00 – 21.00 * Please note change from normal time.Presenters: Karen Kirkness and Celina HwangTitle: Written in the Tissues: a movement practice inspired by embryonic folding A combination of 30 minutes of theory and 20 minutes of movement exploring the embryological actions of lateral & longitudinal folding to help attendees gain a dual…
Monthly Member Webinar – The fundamental role of gravity in biologic motion and health
Practical details Date: 24 March 2022Time: 19.00 – 20.00Presenters: Dr Stephen Levin and Graham ScarrTitle: The fundamental role of gravity in biologic motion and health This webinar will focus on the simple activities of walking and running, the details of which remain poorly understood in many respects, and introduce and discuss new ways of thinking about them. Along the…
Monthly Member Webinar – A history of fascia
Practical details Date: 24 February 2022Time: 19.00 – 20.00Presenter: Sue Adstrum Ph.DTitle: A history of fascia Ka mua, ka muri (we walk backwards into the future) is a well-known New Zealand Maori proverb (whakatauki), that means we should look to the past to inform the future. From this perspective, what our ancestors knew about the tissue we now know as fascia shapes…