John Sharkey: Do 3D plastinated fascia specimens (from the Fascial Net Plastination Project or FNPP) enrich understanding of anatomy and human movement?
Clinical Anatomist John Sharkey invites you to view bespoke images of Fascia specimens and models that have emerged from the Fascial Net Plastination Project or FNPP. John Sharkey invites you to express your thoughts, suggestions and ideas on how such specimens may be put to best educational use and you can suggest possible future fascia…
Fabiana Silva: Thoracolumbar fascia and pain: what we are missing?
Aims: to present the relationships of the thoracolumbar fascia with both acute and chronic pain and related movement disorders as well as some therapeutic possibilities Objectives: to bring evidence about the relationship of thoracolumbar fascia to acute and chronic low back pain to bring the discussion about TLF and its possible relationship with shoulder and…
Elizabeth Larkam: Movement Practices for Connective Tissue Spectrum Disorders that provide support, protection and structure
The term Connective Tissue Disorders (CTD) encompasses multi-factorial psychic and physiologic realities that interfere with an individual’s experience of basic functional living. There is great need for movement educators’ improvement in recognition and understanding to better help this special population.CTD can cause significant pain, chronic pain and disability, affecting all age groups, even implicated in…
Day 2 – Advisory Panel with today’s speakers
In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…
Moushumi Kuvawala & Sneha Krishna: The role of collagen in myofascial mechanotransduction
Fibroblast migration is critical to maintain homeostasis and a healthy functioning of muscular tissue. The micro-environment/ ECM of the intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) provides structural integrity, tissue boundaries & initiates mechano-sensitive signalling pathways within the attached fibroblasts, which then influences its migration and other biochemical processes (Mechanotransduction). Stiffness of the IMCT is determined by the…
Andrzej Pilat: Fascia Continuity – evidence from unembalmed dissections
In anatomical research, using a topographical approach performed on embalmed cadavers, the concept of “fascia” relates to some anatomical structures such as the tensor fasciae latae, the palmar fascia and the thoracolumbar fascia. It suggests a series of unrelated elements instead of a unique and continuous configuration that links the body structure. Such an approach…