
Andrzej Pilat

Postgraduate training in Manual Therapy in the US, China, Japan, England.
Creator of the Myofascial Induction Therapy (MIT™) Approach.
Author of the book Myofascial Induction, McGraw- Hill, Madrid, 2003, and Myofascial Induction. An Anatomical Approach. Handspring Publishing. Handspring Publishers (2022)
Co-author of books on manual therapy published in England, Spain, Italy and USA.
Author of papers on Manual Therapy
Director of the School of Myofascial Therapies Tupimek, Madrid – Spain.
Speaker at numerous international conferences in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico, USA, Canada, Japan, India.
Lecturer in Master Degree at the EUF of ONCE, Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Málaga, University of Granada, European University of Madrid.

Lecturer in postgraduate training in Manual Therapy and Myofascial Therapy at numerous universities in Europe and America.
Founding member of the Fascia Research Society.
Research in the fascial anatomy on the unembalmed cadavers.

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Andrzej Pilat: Fascia Continuity – evidence from unembalmed dissections

In anatomical research, using a topographical approach performed on embalmed cadavers, the concept of “fascia” relates to some anatomical structures such as the tensor fasciae latae, the palmar fascia and the thoracolumbar fascia. It suggests a series of unrelated elements instead of a unique and continuous configuration that links the body structure. Such an approach…


Myofascial Induction – Excerpts from the book

An anatomical approach to the treatment of fascial dysfunction Myofascial Induction™ – An anatomical approach to the treatment of fascial dysfunction describes the properties of the fascial network and provides therapeutic solutions for different types of fascial dysfunction. Volume 1 analyzes in depth the theoretical aspects related to fascia and focuses on the therapeutic procedures of Myofascial Induction…


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