Danny Foley: Fascial-Based Training for Tactical Operators
The strength and conditioning (S&C) industry, despite novel evolutions over the last 50 years, has often still been perceived as an afterthought. The fundamentals of modern S&C are still deeply rooted in classical biomechanical principles and anatomical concepts dating back centuries. And while there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that much of what we’ve practiced…
Karen Kirkness: Five Filaments in Practice
Spirality in nature is everywhere we look, and resides in every movement we make. Nature’sdance through the music and mathematics of form leave patterns in nature that providenatural constraints, and in life we find it arising in complexity. Spiral constraints inform andinfuse every movement we make through filamentous tissue. Join Karen in a practicalworkshop exploring…
Elizabeth Larkham – 10 minute movement session
In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…
Kate Strozak – 10 Minute Movement Video
In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…
Tracey Mellor -10 minute movement session
In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…