The Fascia Hub Articles

A core part of The Fascia Hub is to share up to date articles with our members, curating a library of up-to-date research and insight to help you learn and grow. We invite you to take time to enjoy and explore the different fascia topics.

Monthly Members’ Webinar – To stretch or not to stretch?

Practical details Date: 18th May 2023Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK timePresenters: Ann and Chris FrederickTitle: To stretch or not to stretch? Summary: From a North American perspective, stretching in times past was never given much importance or guidance in the public school system, college or in professional sports. Through the decades, stretching has had its controversies that still…


Monthly Members’ Webinar – Functional Adaptation and Fascia

Practical details Date: 20th April 2023Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK timePresenters: Kevin Prunty MSc NMTTitle: Functional Adaptation and Fascia Summary: Health and skill related components of fitness have been utilised by trainers, coaches and therapists universally to measure physical movement and capacity and set goals for health and human performance. What are the key adaptations needed? How do…


Natural Spirals

Excerpted from Everything Moves, by Susan Lowell de Solorzano Let’s look at the connection between the human body and Nature’s movements, specifically at spirals.  The following is extracted from the book  Everything Moves: How biotensegrity informs human movement, with kind permission of Susan Lowell de Solorzano and Handspring Publishing. “Vines, roots, and shoots: Knowing that…


Natural Spirals

Let’s look at the connection between the human body and Nature’s movements, specifically at spirals.  The following is extracted from the book  Everything Moves: How biotensegrity informs human movement, with kind permission of Susan Lowell de Solorzano and Handspring Publishing. “Vines, roots, and shoots: Knowing that nature makes wide use of spirals, imagine how a…

Category image for content related to movement

Elizabeth Larkam: Movement Practices for Connective Tissue Spectrum Disorders that provide support, protection and structure

The term Connective Tissue Disorders (CTD) encompasses multi-factorial psychic and physiologic realities that interfere with an individual’s experience of basic functional living. There is great need for movement educators’ improvement in recognition and understanding to better help this special population.CTD can cause significant pain, chronic pain and disability, affecting all age groups, even implicated in…

Category image for content related to movement

Kate Strozak: An Integrated Experience of the NeuroFascial System

Join Kate in this one hour movement and stillness experience of integrating the nervous system and fascial systems to achieve a sense of wellbeing and mindfulness. With careful consideration of the fascial system and its importance on human movement and experience, this movement session will explore various ways to promote tissue glide, loading, and when…


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