The Fascia Hub Articles

A core part of The Fascia Hub is to share up to date articles with our members, curating a library of up-to-date research and insight to help you learn and grow. We invite you to take time to enjoy and explore the different fascia topics.

Mariana Barreto - correct size for website.

Before and after biotensegrity: A story of a hip assessment and infinite possibilities

Have you ever had a moment where something extraordinary happened and asked yourself, “How come I missed that? Something so obvious, and I didn’t see it!” It occurred to me in 2008, when the assessment of one of my little patients forever changed my practice. Since the age of 13, I have been driven by…

Elizabeth Dare-Andes new pic

Listen to Your Fascia: Unwinding the Body as a Resonant Wave

There is a wonderful (and long out of print) children’s book about Lake Titicaca called Lakes are Holding Places for Water. I’ve always loved this image of being a holding place and a home for life’s waters. Thought to be over a million years old, Titicaca is an ancient lake. I like to imagine the…


“Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones….”

“Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones…..”[1] as the song goes – but are they really just that? The skeleton is traditionally thought of as connected bones each surrounded by the periosteum and activated by muscles.  But are bones the passive, rigid structures we have in the past considered them to be? We are now…


Balance Your Breath, Boost Your Voice

I was in the car with a friend who I’d met in a biotensegrity & fascia focused zoom room in 2020. We were on the way home from an eye-opening 5-day dissection course helmed by John Sharkey, Joanne Avison, Wilbour Kelsick, Mark Flannigan, and Neil Theise, and our conversation turned towards the voice, and how…

Resized Christine Wushke

Somatic mindfulness and the breath

Have you ever watched a baby move and play, content and exploring their world? If you observe their fingers and toes curl and reach, the look of fascination on their faces, it’s clear that being inside a body is meant to be pleasurable. So, where does that embodied pleasure go as we grow up? As…


The Myofascial System in Form and Movement – Chapter 11 – Training, weight work and sports specifics

The field of myofascial science is changing rapidly. In The Myofascial System in Form and Movement, Lauri Nemetz invites readers into the rich dialogue around movement, delving into anatomy, concepts of space, and the many other disciplines that are taking interest in the myofascial universe. Nemetz uses insights from our spatial relationship with the world…


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