The Fascia Hub Articles

A core part of The Fascia Hub is to share up to date articles with our members, curating a library of up-to-date research and insight to help you learn and grow. We invite you to take time to enjoy and explore the different fascia topics.

Heart Coherence – How The Heart Can Master Our Emotions

It was once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain alone, and that the heart was purely a pump for moving oxygenated blood around the body. We now know that neither of these assumptions are true. The experience of an emotion results from the brain, heart and body acting together. We will…


Excerpt from Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement (Chapter 9)

With thanks to Joanne Avison and Handspring Publishing. Members get a generous 20% discount on all Handspring Publishing books – see entry in Affiliates area. Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement was written partly as an appeal for yoga teachers to appreciate the depth and breadth of yoga as a science, a movement practice and a philosophy…


How do you see your body?

by Jan Trewartha Not that long ago many yoga classes were very focused on achieving and holding a posture; nowadays they may very well concentrate more on developing our somatic awareness as we are encouraged to unfold, unfurl and unspiral our limbs, and to be aware of the effect on the whole body of one…


Tensegrity-Assisted Therapy

By Leonid Blyum This article was written to complement the webinar offered on the topic on 18 November 2021. For details of the course in hands-on, clinical application of this work, click here. Mariana Barreto and Leonid Blyum are long-time biotensegrity enthusiasts with complementary teaching qualities that combine heavier scientific language by Leonid with practical…



It’s all in the perception! Even though this may come as a bit of a shock, it is important to realize that none of the ways anatomy is-or-was taught to you and I – by our teachers, textbooks, and even the latest and whizz-bangiest virtual anatomy atlases – actually tells the full truth about the…


What is Fascial Unwinding and how does it work?

Fascial Unwinding is seen by many as an approach not scientific enough to have validity. Because of the unusual, spontaneous movement that can arise during the process, plus the apparent lack of science supporting this work, it can deter people who, on all other levels, are on board with the importance of addressing fascia in…


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