The Fascia Hub Articles

A core part of The Fascia Hub is to share up to date articles with our members, curating a library of up-to-date research and insight to help you learn and grow. We invite you to take time to enjoy and explore the different fascia topics.

Loving Coherence More Than Comfort

“Some people love their story so much, even if it’s of their own misery, even if it ties them to unhappiness, or they don’t know how to stop telling it. Maybe it’s about loving coherence more than comfort, it might also be about fear – you have to die a little to be reborn, and…

Gus de la Querra main image

Unlocking the Secrets of the Polyvagal Theory: Navigating the Vagus Nerve for a Happier and Healthier Life

Our vagus nerve, our tenth cranial nerve, aka our “wandering nerve”, is a complex network of fibres winding its way through the brainstem, playing a pivotal role in regulating our emotions, heart rate, digestion, and more. I will stick my neck out and proclaim this nerve as the creator of what we refer to as…

Gus de la Querra main image

Monthly Members’ Webinar – Polyvagal theory in action

Date: Thursday 16th November 2023Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK timePresenters: Gus de la QuerraTitle: Polyvagal theory in action Summary: With Poly meaning “many”, the vagus nerve is not just a single nerve with many branches. The word “poly” refers to the fact that we actually have two vagus nerves able to create different physiological and emotional states. Join Gus…

Resized Christine Wushke

Monthly Members’ Webinar – Breathing and Beyond: Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection for Optimal Well Being

Practical details Presenter: Christine WushkeTitle: Breathing and Beyond: Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection for Optimal Wellbeing Summary: Description: Join us in this webinar as we explore the profound relationship between breathing and emotional well-being. Delve into the science behind the mind-body connection and experience the transformative power of somatic mindfulness. Discover how mindful breathing practices can improve…


Seasonal Webinar – Tender Loving Care

Seasonal Webinar – A Christmas gift from Joanne Avison and The Fascia Hub With Joanne Avison Practical details Date: Sunday 4th December Time: 17:00 – 19.00 UK time. Check your timezone here Presenter: Joanne Avison Title: Tender Loving Care Recordings available to registered attendees until 8th January 2023. In watching this video recording, you agree…


Interoception and Self-Care

During the pandemic, Carol M. Davis presented a webinar on ‘Fascia, Interoception and Self-Care; a Pandemic/Holiday Imperative’.  Hugely needed at the time, this talk is just as relevant today and every day; as therapists and movement teachers we need to care for ourselves, not only for our own health but in order to be fit…


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Welcome to The Fascia Hub community!  Sign up below to join our monthly newsletter to receive up-to-date articles, details of our virtual and in-person events, plus news from the world of fascia..