Wilbour Kelsick and Niall Galloway: Integrating Alternative and Complementary Fascia therapies into Conventional medicine
Present day health care practitioners are basing their clinical practice concept on the newly resurrected principles of connective tissue anatomy and physiology – fascia science. In today’s world patients will seek out several different practitioners to address their different health issues. Finding a way how these many health care approaches (conventional & alternative therapies) can…
Biotensegrity and the Roots of Pelvic Health
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Seeking Symmetry – chapter 8 ‘The Brain’
Seeking Symmetry: Finding patterns in human health offers a guide through the overwhelming mass of data generated by contemporary science. Starved for the knowledge that would best help us stay healthy, we are simultaneously glutted with an overload of information about the human body. Amidst ubiquitous talk that patient-centered care and lifestyle changes are the keys…
BiotensegriTea Party 1.35: Anatomy and Movement Series: The Pelvis
Guest host Niall Galloway continues his Anatomy and Movement series, this time focusing on the pelvis with guests Anna Crowle and Stephen M. Levin.