
Niall Galloway

Dr. Niall Galloway is Associate Professor of Urology and Medical Director of the Emory Continence Center at the Emory Clinic in Atlanta. He joined the Emory University School of Medicine faculty in 1989 with research interests in developmental biology, clinical anatomy, and neuroscience. Dr Galloway has worked extensively in the areas of clinical evaluation and surgical treatments for congenital and acquired defects of pelvic support anatomy and urogenital anomalies, and has been active in applying the principles of biotensegrity to pelvic reconstructive surgery for vaginal prolapse and incontinence.

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Wilbour Kelsick and Niall Galloway: Integrating Alternative and Complementary Fascia therapies into Conventional medicine

Present day health care practitioners are basing their clinical practice concept on the newly resurrected principles of connective tissue anatomy and physiology – fascia science. In today’s world patients will seek out several different practitioners to address their different health issues. Finding a way how these many health care approaches (conventional & alternative therapies) can…

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Biotensegrity and the Roots of Pelvic Health

In watching these video recordings, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…


Seeking Symmetry – chapter 8 ‘The Brain’

Seeking Symmetry: Finding patterns in human health offers a guide through the overwhelming mass of data generated by contemporary science. Starved for the knowledge that would best help us stay healthy, we are simultaneously glutted with an overload of information about the human body. Amidst ubiquitous talk that patient-centered care and lifestyle changes are the keys…

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BiotensegriTea Party 2.3 Dr Gerald Pollack, EZ water and Fascia

Dr. Niall Galloway welcomes Dr.Gerald Pollack to the BiotensegriTea Party.
Dr. Pollack maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle, and is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water. He has received numerous honors including:Tthe Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1st Emoto Peace Prize, and is the author of The Fourth Phase of Water and Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life.


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