
Jan Trewartha

Jan is the founder and director of the British Fascia Symposium and The Fascia Hub. She has been in healthcare since 1979, originally training as a State Registered Nurse in the Queen Alexandra Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC), working with patients on the wards and in the operating theatre; a superb if non-deliberate foundation for her future career as a specialist in scars and adhesions.

In 1988 she was taught by a blind massage therapist to really ‘feel’ the body, leading to a lifetime passion for body work. Jan was a massage volunteer at the Auckland Commonwealth Games where she learned from professionals from all modalities. Her work now is the culmination of many years of training and experience in different disciplines. Through her school, Body in Harmony Training, Jan runs a variety of light touch therapy courses, including Sharon Wheeler’s ScarWork, for which she was the first accredited tutor in the UK.

To learn more about Jan please visit her website:

Jan is also the co-editor and lead author of the book Scars, Adhesions and the Biotensegral Body, published by Handspring Publishing in May 2020.

Category image for content related to scars and adhesions

BiotensegriTea Party 1.9: Scars, Adhesions and the Biotensegral Body from Handspring Publishing

Scars, Adhesions and the Biotensegral Body from Handspring Publishing.
Editors Jan Trewartha and Sharon Wheeler and their contributors Joanne Avison, Leonid Blyum, Graham Scarr, John Sharkey for a panel discussion, which John has agreed to moderate.


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