Monthly Member Webinar – Sharon Wheeler
Sharon Wheeler, the originator of ScarWork, will be talking about BoneWork, another modality she has developed over the years. Originally trained by Ida Rolf, Sharon is a fascinating person to talk to – not to be missed!
Monthly Member Webinar – Movement and Biotensegrity
This live Zoom webinar offers this month, a chance to enhance your understanding of movement through the lens of biotensegrity, to help yourself and your clients.
Menopause and Fascia
I vividly recall my first Feldenkrais lesson in Oxford 1999. I emerged loving the liberating connected feeling in my body, not having a clue what I’d just done and intuitively aware that this was more than my nervous system responding. And so my Fascia and connective tissue learning had begun. I feel deeply blessed to…
Movement and Biotensegrity
Monthly Member Webinar As part of your membership, we are delighted to run a monthly Member Webinar to explore a different element of fascia. See the details below for this month’s instalment. Event type Zoom Members Webinar Online 7 pm BST Day Hour Minute Second 19th August 2021 – 19:00 UK time Practical details Date:…
Menopause and the pelvis
Menopause is an important phase of life, and it can have an impact on many levels. Menopause is the “last menstruation and occurs when the production of oestrogen from the ovaries has decreased so much that the mucous membrane (endometrium) of the uterus is no longer stimulated” (1, p.185). One central player in menopause is…
Humming, nasal breathing and hugging – keys to stress reduction, calm, and efficient breathing
The power of humming Leon Chaitow’s well-known piece, Humming my way back home[i] written a few years ago, describes his journey back to England after teaching in Ireland at the National Training Centre, Dublin. As he arrives in London, his body reacts to the air pollution and “A thought came to me relating to something…