
Susan Lowell de Solórzano

Susan Lowell de Solórzano first stumbled onto biotensegrity in 2008 while trying to deepen her understanding of the practice and classic writings of T’ai Chi Ch’uan; she has been a student of biotensegrity ever since. Susan began working directly with Dr Stephen Levin in 2009, and co-founded the Stephen M. Levin Biotensegrity Archive with Steve and his wife, Olga Cox-Levin, in 2015. Her book, Everything Moves: How biotensegrity informs human movement was published by Handspring Publishing in 2020. Susan is showrunner/ co-producer/ co-host of the BiotensegriTea Parties, author of the Biotensegrity Archive’s BX101 Guide, and producer of the Colloquy on Biotensegrity & Equine Health.

Susan is an ATCQA Level III certified T’ai Chi and Qi Gong teacher, and holds an MA in human development and education specializing in kinesthetic learning.

twitter: @1Biotensegrity

Natural Spirals

Let’s look at the connection between the human body and Nature’s movements, specifically at spirals.  The following is extracted from the book  Everything Moves: How biotensegrity informs human movement, with kind permission of Susan Lowell de Solorzano and Handspring Publishing. “Vines, roots, and shoots: Knowing that nature makes wide use of spirals, imagine how a…


Monthly Members’ Webinar – Biotensegrity & Beginner’s Mind

Practical details Date: 16th March 2023Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK timePresenters: Susan Lowell de SolórzanoTitle: Biotensegrity & Beginner’s Mind Summary: Forget everything you think you already know about biotensegrity. As the saying goes, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Biotensegrity is an expansive…


Monthly Members’ Webinar – Biotensegrity & Beginner’s Mind

Monthly Member Webinar As one of our membership benefits, we are delighted to run a monthly members’ webinar to explore a different element of fascia.  See the details below for this month’s instalment. Practical details Date: Thursday 16th March Time: 19.00 – 20.00 UK time. Check your timezone here Presenter: Susan Lowell de Solórzano Title:…


Everything Moves – chapter 8 ‘Spirals

The emerging science of biotensegrity provides a fresh context for re-thinking our understanding of human movement, but its complexities can be formidable. Bodywork and movement professionals looking for an accessible and relevant guide to the concept and application of biotensegrity need look no further than Everything Moves: How biotensegrity informs human movement. Provided by kind permission…


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