
Robert Schleip

Dr. Robert Schleip directs the Fascia Research Group (Technical University Munich & Ulm University, Germany) and is also Research Director of the European Rolfing Association. After several decades of clinical practice and international teaching experience with the Rolfing method of Structural Integration (since 1978) and the Feldenkrais method of movement education (1987) he started to shift his attention towards laboratory and clinical research in the fascia field, based on his personal lack of satisfaction with the scientific explanations prevailing in the manual and movement therapy field. After receiving the Vladimir Janda Award for Musculoskeletal Medicine in 2006 for his research findings on Active fascial contractility', he soon became a driving figure behind the international Fascia Research Congress 2007 (Harvard Medical School, Boston) as well as the subsequent events of that academic congress lineage. Robert holds a PhD in human biology (Ulm University) and a MA degree in psychology (Heidelberg university). Besides working as a researcher and book author, he serves as Vice President of the Fascia Research Society. More at and

Showcase Event: Robert Schleip, Dr. biol.hum., Dipl.Psych

Not to be missed! We are delighted to welcome Robert to run our first major event. In this exclusive two-day workshop “A Fascial Perspective for Working with Scars and Adhesions” he will take us through both the theoretical and practical application. Places are limited so please be quick if you wish to join us.


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