
Julian Baker

Julian Baker runs Functional Anatomy, teaching practice-led dissection classes, enhancing the therapist’s understanding of form and function. With 12 years of experience leading dissection classes combined with 30 years as a therapist, Julian’s absolute focus is now on providing a clear understanding of physiology and how movement and therapeutic approach might affect or influence it.

Category image for content related to dissection

Joining the Fascial Layers

In watching these video recordings, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…


The Pain Panel – Parts 1 & 2

Jan Trewartha hosts the pain panel with Julian Baker, Sue Hitzmann & Til Luchau


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