
Carol M. Davis

Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA is Professor Emerita and immediate past Vice Chair of
the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Miami. She is also a clinician in active clinical practice, primarily treating patients with cervical and lumbar spine pain utilizing energy-based manual therapy, myofascial release, along with exercise.
Dr. Davis is an international lecturer and consultant and a respected author in rehabilitation literature. She is the author of Integrative Therapies in Rehabilitation, and Patient-Practitioner Interaction, both published by Slack Books, Inc., and several text book chapters, many focusing on the science of energy medicine and integrative therapies. She has published over 30 articles in peer reviewed journals. Her areas of scholarly interest include the histology and function of fascia and educating students in recognized manual therapy approaches that release fascial restrictions for improved function and quality of physical and emotional life.

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Manual Therapy for Singers and Speakers

During the Symposium, singing tutor Jeremy Mossman started discussing fascia and the voice with Carol M. Davis. They decided to run a spontaneous session discussing this topic, and here is the result! In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters…

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Carol M. Davis: Fascia, Biotensegrity, and the Patient/Client -Therapist Interaction

This session was a hosted conversation between Carol Davis and the audience. In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission…

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KEYNOTE LECTURE: Carol M. Davis: Human beings are a dynamic process of fascia, consciousness, empathy and healing

In watching this video recording, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…

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Fascia, Interoceptive Awareness & Self Care: A Pandemic/Holiday Imperative

In watching these video recordings, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…

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Living the Truth of our own Core

In watching these video recordings, you agree to the following: I understand that all rights to the presentation content belong to the presenters without exception. Sensitive and proprietary materials will be shown. Permission is granted only to watch and take notes. No permission is granted to screenshot, record, transmit or share the content. Doing so…


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