Monthly Member Webinar

with Dr Stephen Levin and Graham Scarr


Practical details

Date: Thursday 24th March

Time: 19.00 UK time. Check your timezone here

Presenters: Dr Stephen Levin and Graham Scarr

Title: The fundamental role of gravity in biologic motion and health

Please note that these webinars will be uploaded to the Members' Area within three days of screening for members' unlimited access.

Webinar Outline:

This webinar will focus on the simple activities of walking and running, the details of which remain poorly understood in many respects, and introduce and discuss new ways of thinking about them. Along the way, it will consider the body as an efficient spring system that has evolved in ways that enable it to harness gravity as a primary energy source, as well as describing a previously unrecognized function for bone and a likely cause of its pathological loss.

Presenter Bios:


Stephen Levin:

Graham Scarr:

Stephen M. Levin is a retired orthopedic surgeon and manual medicine practitioner who recognized the inadequacies of conventional biomechanical thinking in the 1970’s, and introduced the biotensegrity concept as a more thorough understanding of biology. Since then, he has been developing, refining and presenting on all aspects of this subject and published many scientific papers and book contributions.

Graham Scarr is a chartered biologist and retired osteopath with a particular interest in the morphology and mechanics of living structures. He has been following and working with Dr. Levin for the past eighteen years, and presented and published several scientific papers as well as the book ‘Biotensegrity: the structural basis of life’ by Handspring.

The biotensegrity concept offers a more complete approach to understanding the human body — and the whole of biology — and is founded on some basic principles of self-organization, closed-chain kinematics and the homeostatic algorithm that guides its functions. Where stability and motion are controlled from within the structure itself and dependent on the way that the system is configured to distribute mechanical forces. In short, biotensegrity explains how living systems can remain intrinsically stable at each moment of their existence.

Steve & Graham

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Time/Date of Event

Event type


Members Webinar


7 pm BST

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